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ÃÑ °Ô½Ã¹° 678°Ç, ÃÖ±Ù 0 °Ç
2022³â [29Áý] 1È£ - ¸ñÂ÷ - |
³¯Â¥ : 2022-04-30 (Åä) 06:13
Á¶È¸ : 418
±èºÎ¼º (ÀÌÈ¿©ÀÚ´ëÇб³)- From ¡°Einfühlung¡± to Empathy: The Problem of Other Minds and Aesthetic Encounters in Pursuit of Self-Understanding in Dorothy Richardson¡¯s Pointed Roofs
À¯¿µÇö (°í·Á´ëÇб³) - Violence and Testimonial Truth in Herman Melville¡¯s Billy Budd, Sailor
Á¤Áö¿ø (Àü³²´ëÇб³) - Montage and Fragmentation in John Dos Passos¡¯s Manhattan Transfer
ÃÖÁ¤¼± (¼þ½Ç´ëÇб³) - The Gender Politics of Male Weeping in M. E. Braddon¡¯s Aurora Floyd
ÃÑ °Ô½Ã¹° 678°Ç, ÃÖ±Ù 0 °Ç